Marvel Vs DC: Which Heroes Can Beat Their Counterpart? (2024)

Table of Contents
20 Gamora vs. Martian Manhunter Would Pit Two Powerful Aliens Against Each Other They Are On Different Sides of the Law in Their Respective Worlds 19 Lex Luthor and Doctor Doom Are Humans That Have Been Able to Stand Up to Godlike Beings They Each Have Access to Incredible Wealth and Technology That Aid in Their Battles 18 Deathstroke and Elektra are Ruthless Fighters They are Both Mercenaries That Will Work for the Highest Bidder 17 Ultron and Amazo are Robots that Gained Sentience They Have Gained Incredible Power on Their Own 16 Monsieur Mallah and Scorpion are Beastly Fighters They Mix Animal Strength with Intelligence Into a Deadly Combination 15 Swamp Thing vs Juggernaut Pits Incredible Healing Against Indomitable Strength Both Are Larger-Than-Life Figures That Have Impressive Regenerative Abilities and Power 14 Black Widow and Black Canary Are Incredibly Skilled Fighters Despite Their Different Backgrounds, They Became Equally Formidable Heroes 13 Both Ant-Man and The Atom Make Use of Shrinking Technology Both Have Journeyed into Subatomic Realms 12 Spider-Man and Dr. Manhattan Were Civilians Before Becoming Super Powerful As Civilians, Both Work as Scientists 11 Captain America and Green Lantern Have Military Training They Have an Equally Strong Strength of Character 10 The Hulk and Atrocitus Are Both Fueled by Rage The Angrier They Get, The Stronger They Become 9 Jean Grey and Raven Are Powered by Cosmic Forces They Are Both Remarkably Strong Psychics 8 Quicksilver and the Flash Are Both Unbelievably Fast Each Are the Fastest Humans in Their Respective Universes 7 Thor vs. Wonder Woman Would Make a Mythical Showdown They Were Both Children of Sky-Father Deities 6 Hank Pym & Rami the Guardian Use Science as Their Weapon At One Point in Each of Their Lives, They Were Corrupted by Their Inventions 5 Hawkeye and Green Arrow Have Dozens of Sets of Trick Arrows Their Aim is Unmatched in Their Respective Hero Teams 4 Black Panther vs. Aquaman Would Make for a Royal Battle They Both Reign Over Advanced Kingdoms 3 Iron Man and Batman Have Incredible Technology They Both Wear Armored Suits that Contain Numerous Diverse Weapons 2 Doctor Strange and Zatanna Are Remarkably Gifted in Magic With a Multitude of Spells at Their Disposal, Their Only Limits are their Creativity 1 Captain Marvel and Superman Are Both Powerhouses

Marvel Vs DC: Which Heroes Can Beat Their Counterpart? (1)

Marvel Vs DC: Which Heroes Can Beat Their Counterpart? (2)

Marvel Vs DC: Which Heroes Can Beat Their Counterpart? (3)

By Caleb Bailey , Mayra Garcia & Natasha Elder


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From primary school playgrounds to corporate office breakrooms, comic book fans have argued for eons as to whether Marvel or DC Comics has the strongest heroes. Thanks to the prominence of superhero films, these debates have only grown more intense. Fans can't turn on the TV or hop on the internet without seeing Marvel vs. DC threads all over the place. There are many YouTube videos and online blogs that compare the relative attributes of various characters, and how that would influence the outcome of a fight.

It's easy enough to compare a few of Marvel and DC's strongest characters through their feats to choose a definitive winner. Of course, not every match-up will be fair or evenly matched, but that's when heroes like Spider-Man and Batman truly shine, as they tend to come up with ways to defeat villains that should be stronger. Furthermore, healing abilities, such that Martian Manhunter has, could possibly be overcome by the right firepower, like the type that Gamora brings, if they are overcome fast enough. With a multitude of factors to consider, it is fun to think about the results of different Marvel vs. DC Comics characters fights.

Updated on July 15, 2024, by Natasha Elder: Marvel and DC Comics are the most well-known comic franchises, with the addition of movies and shows gathering new fans to the medium as viewers grow curious about the source material. With the popularity of these franchises, it is no surprise that fans constantly compare Marvel vs. DC characters to determine which are stronger. We wanted to pit more characters against each other, like Lex Luthor and Dr. Doom, as well as further discuss why previous match-ups would end with the result that they do.

20 Gamora vs. Martian Manhunter Would Pit Two Powerful Aliens Against Each Other

They Are On Different Sides of the Law in Their Respective Worlds

Martian Manhunter's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Gamora's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Shape-Shifting, Malleability, Elasticity, Size Alteration, Elongation, Heat Vision, Phasing, Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Strength, Speed and Durability, Master Martial Artists, Master-Level Proficiency with a Variety of Weapons


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Both Gamora and Martian Manhunter have a lot of things in common. Not only do they come from an all-but-extinct race, but they both also have a place in their heart for humanity, which was partly due to the fact that they each found a place alongside powerful teams as protectors of their galaxy. In the case of Martian Manhunter, this was with the Earth-based group the Justice League, and for Gamora it was with the Guardians of the Galaxy, which had a human member.

While Martian Manhunter may work for the police force and Gamora has been known to evade it, both have significant abilities that assist them in battle. Gamora isn't known as the most dangerous woman in the galaxy for nothing, as she has impressive skills with a variety of weaponry and martial arts forms, but Martian Manhunter's telepathic gifts and ability to shape-shift certainly give him the edge in a battle.

19 Lex Luthor and Doctor Doom Are Humans That Have Been Able to Stand Up to Godlike Beings

They Each Have Access to Incredible Wealth and Technology That Aid in Their Battles

Lex Luthor's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Doctor Doom's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Genius Level Intellect, Warsuit that Grants Superhuman Strength, Durability, Flight, Electric Blasts and Force Field Projection

Mystical Blasts and Force Fields, Spell Casting, Teleportation, Healing, Elemental Manipulation, Telekinesis

Lex Luthor is a mere mortal that is able to stand up against god-like heroes such as Superman due to his ingenuity and access to a vast amount of resources. Even when taking Kryptonite out of the occasion, Lex's Warsuit grants him the ability to withstand Superman's blows, which is no small feat. Similarly, Doctor Doom's armor offers him more than protection. He receives a boost to his strength and durability, but, more importantly, he is able to produce concussive blasts and electrical force fields when he is wearing it.

While Lex Luthor's suit is impressive, Doctor Doom's is ultimately more so. With a greater range of attacks available, Doctor Doom is likely to find a way to break through Lex's defenses quicker than the other villain is able to do the same. Additionally, Doctor Doom has been strong enough to save his mother's soul from Mephisto and has even saved the Multiverse. Unfortunately for him, Lex's feats fall short in comparison.

18 Deathstroke and Elektra are Ruthless Fighters

They are Both Mercenaries That Will Work for the Highest Bidder

Deathstroke's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Elektra's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Accelerated Healing, Enhanced Senses, Superhuman Strength, Durability and Speed, Toxic Immunity, Selective Resurrection

Mind Switching, Hypnosis, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Precognition, Silent Scream, Master Martial Artist, Weapons Expert

Deathstroke is one of the most successful mercenaries in the DC universe, and Elektra holds the same reputation in the Marvel universe. Each of them has impressive determination and a single-minded, ruthless focus on completing their objectives. In addition, they each have formidable martial arts skills and weapon-handling expertise that greatly aid in their pursuits.

Elektra has hunted down members of the Hand, a highly skilled assassin group while Deathstroke has gone toe-to-toe with multiple members of the Justice League, at once, and come out on top. Ultimately, Deathstroke’s ability to heal is the deciding factor between the two. As he is immune to any toxins that Elektra might lace her weaponry with, and can heal from almost anything that doesn’t damage his brain, Elektra would be hard-pressed to land an attack that sticks. Elektra’s telepathic abilities also would be ineffective, as Slade’s enhancements make hm immune to such powers.

17 Ultron and Amazo are Robots that Gained Sentience

They Have Gained Incredible Power on Their Own

Ultron's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Amazo's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Superhuman Strenght, Agility and Durabilty, Flight, Telekinesis, Energy Blasts, Technology Manipulation, Heat Generation

Absorption Cells, Object Duplication, Energy Negation

Originating as one of Hank Pym’s inventions in Marvel Comics, Ultron was initially created without a mind of his own. However, his mind grew beyond his initial programming, much to Pym’s surprise and dismay. Amazo had a similar journey to sentience in the sense that his creator, Dr. Ivo, didn’t plan for Amazo to have a mind of his own. Amazo grew sentience due to his ability to replicate others’ abilities.

Ultron is a very strong being, able to transfer his mind to other pieces of technology and control them as a hive mind. However, he falls short in the face of Amazo’s mimicking ability. Anything that Ultron can do, Amazo can as well. Given that Amazo has also fought beings such as Wonder Woman and Superman, he is coming to the fight with a greater arsenal of abilities that can cut through Ultron’s defenses.

16 Monsieur Mallah and Scorpion are Beastly Fighters

They Mix Animal Strength with Intelligence Into a Deadly Combination

Monsieur Mallah's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Scorpion's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Enhanced Agility and Strength, Genius-Level Intelligence, Weapons Expert, Tarined Hand-to-Hand Combatant

Superhuman Strength, Speed and Stamina, Enhanced Reflexes and Durability, Wallcrawling, Claws, Poisonous Stinger

Monsieur Mallah is very simple as a concept – what if a gorilla had a gun. However, he also has an incredible intellect due to manipulations from The Brain. With this intellect, Monsieur Mallah becomes an intimidating strategist whose can better use the naturally enhanced agility and strength he has by virtue of being an ape, much to the consternation of the Doom Patrol.

Scorpion, on the other hand, is the product of a failed experiment that J. Jameson paid for in an attempt to figure out how Spider-Man got his powers. With increased speed, stamina, and strength, he is also a formidable opponent. While Scorpion doesn’t have complete control of his mind, he does retain enough of a sense of self to still be a problem. The claws and poisonous stinger that he wields grant him the advantage over Monsieur Mallah in this Marvel vs. DC fight.

15 Swamp Thing vs Juggernaut Pits Incredible Healing Against Indomitable Strength

Both Are Larger-Than-Life Figures That Have Impressive Regenerative Abilities and Power

Swamp Thing's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Juggernaut's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Self-Sustenance, Superhuman Strength, Elemental Control, Chlorokinesis, Astral Projection, Illusion Casting, Immortality

Demonic Empowerment, Invulnerability, Superhuman Stamina, Irressistable Force Embodiment, Armor Summoning

The Swamp Thing’s origins are tragic. After a bomb went off in Alec Holland’s lab, he seemingly died. However, Swamp Thing rose in his place. Able to control every bit of plant life, both that which originates on earth and alien vegetation, the Swamp Thing is able to survive almost anything by transferring his consciousness into another plant when threatened. From this new plant life, he is able to grow an entirely new, strong body. The Juggernaut was formed by much more mystical means. After finding the Crimson Gem, Cain Marko was transformed into Cyttorak’s avatar on Earth. With this power, he has superhuman strength, as well durability that is so enhanced it is bordering on invulnerability.

When pitting these two powerhouses against each other, though, Swamp Things abilities manage to take the win due to his superior regenerative abilities. As he has threatened that he can cause the microscopic flora that exists in everyone to expand and kill the target from the inside out, he has a way to surpass the Juggernaut’s impressive defenses. Unfortunately for him, the Juggernaut is unable to kill all plant life on Earth, leaving Swamp Thing an avenue to stay alive.

14 Black Widow and Black Canary Are Incredibly Skilled Fighters

Despite Their Different Backgrounds, They Became Equally Formidable Heroes

Black Widow's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Black Canary's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Superhuman Agility, Master Martial Artist, Weapons Expert, Electr-Shock Stinging Gauntlets

Canary Cry, Master Martial Artist, Expert Tactician, Immunity to Sound-Based Attacks


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Black Canary and Black Widow have extremely different backgrounds, but both became renowned for their impressive fighting skills. Black Canary is a highly trained fighter who carried on her family's heroic legacy whereas Black Widow was brought up in the Red Room and trained to be a dangerous assassin from an early age. Due to their upbringings, they are both incredibly skilled fighters who continually prove their worth in epic battles.

Both Black Widow and Black Canary have also proven to be solid team players. Black Widow spent years alongside the Avengers. Meanwhile, Black Canary was a founding member of the Justice League. Black Widow's electro-shock stingers are a powerful weapon, but they can't compete against Black Canary's devastating sonic Canary Cry, which would not only damage Black Widow’s ears, but also send her flying.

13 Both Ant-Man and The Atom Make Use of Shrinking Technology

Both Have Journeyed into Subatomic Realms

Ant-Man's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

The Atom's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Pym Particles, Master Thief, Electrical Engineer, Ability to Speak to Ants, Dimensional Travel

Flight, Mass Alteration, Dimensional Travel, Electrical Transmission, Transmutation

Both Ant-Man and The Atom use shrinking technology to fight crime. They are members of the Avengers and the Justice League, respectively, which further proves that they are powerful heroes that are integral to the protection of their worlds. Both have also been known to increase in size as well, and they have even journeyed into subatomic realms.

Ray Palmer and Hank Pym were the original heroes in their roles, though both had successors that carried on after them. Ant-Man took the Ant-Man suit designs a step further, which allowed him to communicate with ants, using them as steeds to simulate flying. By contrast, The Atom is able to fly by his own merits and has become a master of going subatomic. Despite The Atom’s skill with shrinking to a subatomic level and incredibly inventive mind, though Ant-Man likely wins given his extra abilities.

12 Spider-Man and Dr. Manhattan Were Civilians Before Becoming Super Powerful

As Civilians, Both Work as Scientists

Spider-Man's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Dr. Manhanttan's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Enhanced Strength, Stamina and Durability, Spider-Sense, Web Shooter

Matter Manipulation, Omnipotence, Immortality, Dimensional Travel

Both Spider-Man and Dr. Manhattan are scientists in their civilian identities. It was due to this love of science that they both also experienced significant mutations in their DNA while they were still normal civilians. Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, which gave him the powers that he used to become one of Marvel's greatest heroes. Dr. Jonathan Osterman was accidentally transformed into one of DC's most powerful god-like beings after as laboratory accident.

While it's easy to see that Dr. Manhattan is more powerful, it's also important to note how resilient Peter Parker can be when needed. Despite the insurmountable odds, Spider-Man almost always manages to triumph as the underdog due to his resourcefulness and determination. However, there aren't many characters who could take down Dr. Manhattan, and he wins this battle without breaking a sweat.

11 Captain America and Green Lantern Have Military Training

They Have an Equally Strong Strength of Character

Captain America's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Green Lantern's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Master Martial Artist, Superhuman Strength and Durability, Master Tactician, Highly Skilled with Vibranium Shield, Expert Marksman

Flight, Energy Construction Creation, Force Field Generation, Phasing, Invisibility through Light Refraction

Hal Jordan and Steve Rogers share a somewhat similar origin, since both characters fought for their country in various forms of combat. However, neither could imagine the symbol of hope they would become in the future. Steve Rogers was selected to receive the super-soldier serum to become Captain America. Hal Jordan was chosen to wield a power ring as Green Lantern.

They were both chosen for their strength of character. Steve was selected because he was a good man, and Jordan earned his place by overcoming great fear. Captain America may have superior morals and leadership abilities, but Green Lantern can create anything with his mind, literally. Even Cap's shield can't defend against one of the most powerful members of the Green Lantern Corps, who has one of the strongest Lantern rings.

10 The Hulk and Atrocitus Are Both Fueled by Rage

The Angrier They Get, The Stronger They Become

The Hulk's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Atrocitus' Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Unlimited Strength, Superhuman Leaping, Enhanced Durability, Self-Regeneration Manipulation

Superhuman Strength and Durability, Necromantic Magic, Precognition

The Hulk and Atrocitus are two berserkers who have made a name for themselves over the years in each respective universe. Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk when he gets angry, and his strength can increase beyond limits the madder he gets. Atrocitus is the leader of the Red Lanterns, a group that is fueled by the rage that consumed them.

Atrocitus would try to burn the Hulk and restrain him with red energy constructs, but it would be to no avail. The Hulk's strength would just keep increasing as he got angrier until he could break free. Atrocitus wouldn't have the means to put the Hulk down for good, whereas the Hulk would only need to break Atrocitus' concentration long enough to rip his ring right off his hand.

9 Jean Grey and Raven Are Powered by Cosmic Forces

They Are Both Remarkably Strong Psychics

Jean Grey's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Raven's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Tekekinesis, Telepathetic Manipulation, Empathy, Telephathic Defense, Psychic Blast

Darkness Manipulation, Telekinesis, Empathy, Flight, Precognition, Emotion Manipulation, Magical Energy Blasts


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There aren't too many psychic heroes who could stand up to the omega-level mutant abilities of Marvel's Jean Grey, but Raven is at least worth some thought when considering Marvel vs DC character fights. Her powers were even increased further when she bonded with the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force. In contrast, one of DC Comics' strongest psychics is the mystical Raven, whose demonic heritage as the daughter of Trigon further amps her abilities.

Regardless of Trigon's aid, Raven loses to Jean Grey once the two get serious. When empowered by Trigon, Raven becomes a serious threat to Earth. But when Jean's hosting the Phoenix Force, she becomes a threat to the entire universe. Jean's daughter, Rachel Summers, once used the Phoenix Force to mass-exorcise an army of demons, a technique that Jean Grey, herself, could use to further weaken Raven, given her demonic heritage.

8 Quicksilver and the Flash Are Both Unbelievably Fast

Each Are the Fastest Humans in Their Respective Universes

Quicksilver's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

The Flash's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Superhuman Speed, Durability and Reflexes, Molecular Acceleration and Destabilization

Dimensional Travel, Elektrokinesis, Superhuman Speed and Reflexes, Ability to Time Travel

Wally West is the fastest man alive, though Barry Allen was one of the first to use the name The Flash. Pietro Maximoff is the fastest man in his universe as well, which served him well as a member of the Avengers. Quicksilver has disarmed bombs in nanoseconds and outraced some of the fastest beings in the universe. To compare this with The Flash’s feats, he is able to vibrate his molecules so fast that he can phase through walls and access different dimensions.

Unfortunately for Pietro, all of that pales compared to Allen's enhanced speed. The Flash has a connection to the Speed Force, which allows him to draw on nearly limitless energy to become one of the fastest characters in the multiverse. Quicksilver has a top speed, and it ranks well under the Flash's max even without a potential Speed Force boost.

7 Thor vs. Wonder Woman Would Make a Mythical Showdown

They Were Both Children of Sky-Father Deities

Thor's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Wonder Woman's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Superhuman Speed, Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Healing, God Blast, Mjolnir Control, Energy Absorption and Redirection, Flight

Superhuman Strength, Agility and Durability, Lasso of Truth, Sword of Hephaestus, Enhanced Healing, Master Martial Artist

Despite their roots in the pulp science-fiction genre, comic books have become increasingly mystical over the years. This has led to the inclusion of mythological characters like Odin, Zeus and Ra in both the Marvel and DC Universes. Famously, Thor and Wonder Woman were the children of two Sky-Father deities. Thor was born to Odin the Allfather, one of the most important figures in Norse mythology, and Wonder Woman is child of Zeus, the leader of the Greek pantheon.

Similar to their depictions on the big screen, both Thor and Diana are impossibly strong. They have each taken on powerful characters like the Hulk and Superman over the years and posed a threat. However, while Wonder Woman has access to some magic and her own mystical weapons, Thor's command of the storm and his enchanted hammer Mjolnir give him the edge in the battle of myths.

6 Hank Pym & Rami the Guardian Use Science as Their Weapon

At One Point in Each of Their Lives, They Were Corrupted by Their Inventions

Hank Pym's Most Impressive Inventions

Rami the Guardian's Most Impressive Inventions

Pym Particles, Ant-Man Suit, Ultron

Green Lantern Rings, Phantom Ring

Both Hank Pym and Rami the Guardian are considered loose cannons when it comes to their approach to science. Hank Pym is alleged to be Earth's Scientist Supreme, and his creations include Pym Particles, the Ant-Man suit, and Ultron, among others. In contrast, Rami is a Malthusian who harnessed and weaponized space magic to create the Green Lantern Rings and the Phantom Ring.

Unfortunately for Raimi the Guardian, he was later possessed by Volthoom, while Pym was merged with Ultron. Both scientists were corrupted and destroyed by their inventions, though Rami's creation of the power rings impacted the universe more than anything Pym created. While Hank Pym’s creations are impressive, Raimi managed to create some of the most powerful weaponry in the DC universe, guaranteeing him the victory in this Marvel vs. DC matchup.

5 Hawkeye and Green Arrow Have Dozens of Sets of Trick Arrows

Their Aim is Unmatched in Their Respective Hero Teams

Hawkeye's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Green Arrow's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Master Marksman, Expert Tactician, Expert Martial Artist

Master Marksman, Expert Tactician, Expert Martial Artist

The characters of Hawkeye and Green Arrow are incredibly similar, though their origins differ in various ways. Both heroes have earned their place as talented archers and marksmen with their universe's respective superteams. They have both used all kinds of trick arrows over the years as well, and it's their arsenal that could potentially decide the victor in battle.

Green Arrow's trick weapons include net arrows, scatter arrows, and his signature boxing glove arrow. These are all fan-favorite weapons, but the edge still has to go to Hawkeye. His arrows have been further enhanced with advanced technology and strengthened with adamantium and vibranium. As both are used to fighting highly skilled opponents, Hawkeye’s better technology proves to be the deciding factor.Hawkeye also genuinely never misses, which could challenge DC's emerald archer.

4 Black Panther vs. Aquaman Would Make for a Royal Battle

They Both Reign Over Advanced Kingdoms

Black Panther's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Aquaman's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Superhuman Agility, Reflexes and Senses, Master Martial Artist, Necromancy, Retractable Claws, Invisibility

Superhuman Strength, Telepathic Control of Aquatic Life, Electrical Manipulation, Hydrokinesis, Divine Empowerment



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T'Challa is the King of Wakanda who joined the Avengers as the Black Panther. He created advanced suits and weaponry by using powerful vibranium, and his strength is enhanced by a mystical heart-shaped herb. Arthur Curry is the King of Atlantis and the wielder of Poseidon's Trident, who joined the Justice League as Aquaman. He has control over the oceans and the creatures therein, and poses a significant threat even outside of the water.

In a one-on-one fight, Black Panther can't match Aquaman's strength. The King of Atlantis has lifted city streets with his raw strength and matched powerful characters like Superman and Martian Manhunter. Aquaman's also insanely fast. One time, he even caught The Flash off guard. Black Panther has strength, skill, advanced technology and smarts, but he would still eventually fall to Aquaman's might.

3 Iron Man and Batman Have Incredible Technology

They Both Wear Armored Suits that Contain Numerous Diverse Weapons

Iron Man's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Batman's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Flight, Superhuman Strength and Speed, Repulsor Blasts, Missiles, Regenerative Life Support, Lasers

Master Martial Artist, Proficiency with a Variety of Weapons, Batarangs, Grapple Gun, Heat-Resistant and Bulletproof Cape

Wealthy playboy Bruce Wayne trained his body to peak physicality before he embarked on his mission of vigilantism as Batman. Rich industrialist Tony Stark created his Iron Man armor to save his life and help others as a member of the Avengers. Both heroes have created advanced technology to help in their fight against crime, though Stark is definitely a better inventor than the Dark Knight.

Tony Stark's most powerful Iron Man armors outclass most of Batman's inventions. Bruce Wayne has created his own suits of armor, but Iron Man has miniaturized enough weaponry inside his armor to take out Batman's entire Batcave. While the fight would be over quickly if it was just Stark vs. Wayne or Batman had enough prep time, Iron Man's armor gives him the edge.

2 Doctor Strange and Zatanna Are Remarkably Gifted in Magic

With a Multitude of Spells at Their Disposal, Their Only Limits are their Creativity

Doctor Strange's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Zatanna's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Astral Projection, Flight, Object Conjuration, Telekinesis, Time Manipulation, Hypnotism, the Ability to Cast a Variety of Spells

Dimensional Travel, Reality Alteration, Antipathy, the Ability to Cast a Variety of Spells, Telepathy, Teleportation, Eldritch Blast

Doctor Strange is a sorcerer who uses hand gestures and memorized spells to cast magic as Marvel's Sorcerer Supreme. Zatanna is a gifted hom*omagi who carried on her father's legacy as a hero who specializes in backward-spoken magic. She is one of DC's most powerful magic users and has access to nearly limitless power, though she doesn't have as much experience.

As Marvel's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange earned the title of his realm's mystical protector. He is a Master of the Mystic Arts who fights demonic entities and evil gods daily. Zatanna's innate magical ability is stronger than Doctor Strange's own power, though he is more trained and has access to more powerful artifacts and weapons that give him the edge. Given more time to grow, Zatanna might be able to take this fight in the future, however.

1 Captain Marvel and Superman Are Both Powerhouses

They Both Have the Ability to Absorb Energy and Fly

Captain Marvel's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Superman's Most Impressive Powers and Skills

Superhuman Speed, Strength and Stamina, Power Absorption, Weapon Creation, Photon Blasts, Flight

Flight, Superhuman Strength and Durability, X-Ray Vision, Heat Vision, Cold Breath, Solar Energy Absorption



Thor vs Superman: Who Would Win in a Fight?

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A match between Captain Marvel and Superman would be incredibly intense and potentially damaging to each universe on a galaxy-wide scale given their immense destructive abilities and capability of surviving in space. Kal-El is a Kryptonian who gained incredible powers on Earth as Superman. Carol Danvers is a Kree/Human hybrid with incredible powers who defends the universe as Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel and Superman don't know the meaning of the word "surrender." One of the perks of being Captain Marvel is her incredible strength and ability to absorb and re-channel energy. Conversely, Superman is nigh-invincible as long as Kryptonite isn’t involved, and has a wide range of powers to choose from that don’t include energy-based attacks. Ultimately, Superman's wealth of powers and incredible strength still give him the edge in battle.

  • Marvel Vs DC: Which Heroes Can Beat Their Counterpart? (9)

    Marvel is a multimedia powerhouse encompassing comic books, movies, TV shows, and more, captivating audiences with its iconic characters, thrilling narratives, and diverse worlds. From the legendary Avengers to the street-level heroes like Daredevil, Marvel's universe is vast and ever-expanding.

    Created by
    Stan Lee
    First Film
    Captain America
    Upcoming Films
    Madame Web

    First TV Show
    the incredible hulk
    Upcoming TV Shows
    Robert Downey Jr. , Chris Evans , Scarlett Johansson , Tom Holland , Brie Larson
    Where to watch
    Disney Channel
  • Marvel Vs DC: Which Heroes Can Beat Their Counterpart? (10)

    Get ready for a brand new DC experience!The DC Universe (DCU) is coming soon,bringing together familiar comic book heroes in a connected storyline across movies,TV shows,animation,and even video games. Itis an upcoming Americanmedia franchiseandshared universebased on characters fromDC Comicspublications.

    Created by
    James Gunn , Peter Safran
    First Film
    Superman (2025)
    Upcoming Films
    Superman (2025) , The Authority , The Brave and the Bold , Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow , Swamp Thing (DCU)
    First TV Show
    Creature Commandos
    Upcoming TV Shows
    Creature Commandos , Waller , Lanterns , Paradise Lost , Booster Gold , Peacemaker
    David Corenswet , Rachel Brosnahan , Nicholas Hoult , Milly Alco*ck , Edi Gathegi , Nathan Fillion , Isabela Merced , Anthony Carrigan , Viola Davis , John Cena , Xolo Mariduena

    Where to watch
  • Comics
  • Comics
  • marvel

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Article information

Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 6162

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.